Friday, October 28, 2011

Trace32 API Config

like i posted in my previous blog , we need to have the application up and running . i will detail out the ways of configuring now . once you install the trace on your machine you will notice a c:/t32 folder listed ( if you choose to install it else where , find the t32 folder on your machine) . when you launch the trace32marm.exe it generally picks up the configuration from config file (categorized as t32 file ) . open the file ( any ide is fine or even a notepad ) and enter the below value .


you can choose to provide any port number available on your computer . this runs a udp port on your computer , you can check the list of open ports to see if it did pick the correct configuration.

this will be the port number that you will have to use to open a port from scripting language. this will open up the trace32 for subsequent actions

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Trace32 API

with Trace32 lauterbach provides a bunch of APIs . These APIs dont provide access to Trace32 directly , rather , it provides access to the trace32 User interface ( i know what you are thinking :)).
So , this means that for you to access the trace32 Hardware , you will have to have the trace32 software open on the system . The config file of the trace installation folder is the key . i will share some more code and inputs shortly